polymer additives

innovative | polymer based | customized

At Polytives, we develop and produce innovative polymer additives, providing you with an easy path to next-generation plastics. Our innovative solutions solve problems that experts in plastic processing face on a daily basis, such as high viscosities, high output, fluctuating qualities, etc. Thanks to the expertise that goes into our polymer additives, this works without undesirably impairing the other polymer properties.

Whether to increase process efficiency and process improvement or to increase the value of your plastic products, especially when it comes to recycled goods or recycling in general. Our polymer additives promise you a significant advantage. Whether a standard product or your customised solution: you can be sure of improved performance. Process optimisation without compromise - with polymer additives from Polytives.



These are your advantages:


energy-optimised compounds

Compounds that flow better with the same material properties. The added value is almost self-explanatory: Saving energy in the form of pressure or temperature, better filling of delicate parts, thinner-walled production. This is made possible by the polymer additives from Polytives. See for yourself.

a slimmed-down product-range

Reduce the variety of goods when shopping. That doesn't just sound like making work easier, it also saves money. The innovative additives from Polytives serve as an adjusting screw. Buy a material and optimise the flow properties as required. How does flow optimisation work? Find out more.

make recycled materials the first choice

Everyone is talking about recycled goods as a sustainable alternative. However, fluctuating qualities and poor availability have so far been deal-breakers. The polymer additives from Polytives offer enormous leverage here. For example, they allow extruded goods to be upgraded in quality to injection moulded goods.

Applicable across industries and customized on request - your competitive advantage with our polymer additives

Our polymer additives adapt perfectly to your formulation as they are polymers themselves and fit seamlessly into your process. Reduce cycle times, lower temperatures, reduce pressures and thereby lower your costs. Secure a clear competitive advantage with us through innovation!

Use our plastic additives to make your moulding compounds, lacquers, coatings and printer inks more flowable at the same temperature. Or lower the temperatures and discover new possibilities for material processing. A reduced temperature difference, addition of temperature-sensitive

materials, shorter cooling times, material and machine conservation, more flexible machine utilisation - and much more. Our customers' experience shows that there is potential for optimisation in the exchange of ideas. And you also save CO2 in your process and thus reduce your footprint.

ISO 9001 zertifiziert durch TÜV-Thüringen

Quality management

Our company works according to the guidelines and requirements of ISO 9001:2015, for which we have also been certified. For the areas of development, production, and sales, you can be sure that we are a reliable, pragmatic, and customer-oriented partner.

ISO 9001 zertifiziert durch TÜV-Thüringen


Our company was recently accepted into the Sustainability Agreement Thuringia (NAT). Polytives GmbH meets the criteria for participation and takes part in NAThüringen together with currently 698 companies from different industries.

ISO 9001 zertifiziert durch TÜV-Thüringen

Sustainability report

We want to contribute to a positive change in the image of plastics in all its diversity. Our goal is therefore not just to use the topic of sustainability as a means of communication, but to pursue it in a concrete way and to deepen our understanding of it.

Have we sparked your interest?

Contact us, we will be happy to answer your questions about our plastic additives or services and likewise about possible ways of cooperation.

Making the previously unattainable tangible is part of our mission. We may soon tailor your specific additive that will open up new, highly profitable business areas for you. Learn more about our products and services.


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Hier ist deine Chance: Bei Polytives haben wir die perfekte Position für dich! Unser aufstrebendes Unternehmen such engagierte Praktikant:innen, die ihre Talente in verschiedenen Bereichen einbringen und entwickeln möchten. Ob Marketing, Labor, Vertrieb, Finanzen, Entwicklung oder Logistik - bei uns findest du spannende Herausforderungen, die deine berufliche Entwicklung vorantreiben. Werde Teil des dynamischen Teams - bewirb dich jetzt und gestalte gemeinsam mit uns die Zukunft der Branche!


Für dich ist Kunststoff ein rotes Tuch, ein böhmisches Dorf oder du verstehst die ganze Aufregung nicht? Du willst mehr erfahren und Einblicke in die tatsächlichen Prozesse erhalten?

Dann bist du bei uns genau richtig. Wir geben dir die Möglichkeit Startup-Impressionen zu sammeln und dabei in verschiedenen Bereiche unseres Wachstumsunternehmens heineinschnuppern und die Vorteile eines kleinen Teams zu nutzen. Gestalte aktiv mit, bring dich ein und mach deinen Nebenjob dadurch zur spannenden Challenge.

Polytives sucht studentische Unterstützung in unterschiedlichen Bereichen: Vom Chemielabor über Kunststofftechnik bis hin zu Management und Marketing - je nachdem, wo dein Interesse oder auch deine Stärken liegen. Bewirb dich jetzt!